

Main Cast

Ashton and Echo have made a classic found family.

Ashton Davis, He/They, Age: 28, Scorpio, Jungian Archetype: Caregiver, Skin: Light Olive, Eyes: Brown, Weight: 180 lbs, Hair: Dark Blue, Animal Symbolism: Bear

He was kicked out by parents at 17 for being trans. Worked nights while going to college on scholarship. Became a Park Ranger. Has trouble making and keeping friends. Met Echo(aged 14) illegally camping at the park he worked at, having ran away from foster care. Ashton befriended and eventually adopted Echo. The story begins with him moving to be near Echo's college of choice where they got a scholarship, despite Ashton having to take a pay cut.

He can be impatient, inflexible, awkward and tactless at times but is honest, compassionate (especially to animals), disciplined, and courageous. He desires to be loved/appreciated, protect others, learn things and raise a child. He fears being taken advantage of, rejection, and disappointing others.

Echo Davis, They/Them, Age: 18, Aries, Jungian Archetype: The Jester, Skin: Light Brown, Eyes: Brown, Weight: 185 lbs, Hair: Dark Brown w/ Pink Bangs, Animal Symbolism: Coyote

Family died in car crash when very young. Went into foster care. Other kids pushed them into water and they almost drowned. Ran away at 14 and seeked shelter at a park. Ashton saved them from the cold, then adopted them when they kept visiting for fun adventures.

They can be impatient, lazy, childish, and mischievous but also can be ambitious, courageous, loyal, resilient, empathetic, and curious. They desire exploration, fun and experiences. They fear water, clowns, loss of control, rejection, and feeling worthless.

Ashton is still nervous about correct parenting despite the years together but Echo is very independent and straightforward making things easier. Echo can see the struggle and does their best to make him happy, including things like calling him dad and asking for "dad advice" and, when younger, once "falling asleep" in the car so Ash would carry them to bed and a few times asking for bedtime stories despite feeling too old for that.

Jane and Holly have a complex mother/daughter dynamic.

Jane Campbell, She/Her, Age: 41, Sagittarius, Jungian Archetype: The Ruler, Skin: Beige, Eyes: Blue, Weight: 145 lbs, Hair: Blonde, Animal Symbolism: Hyena

Continues to pass on generational trauma. Has a strained relationship with her parents. They all lack emotional intelligence; leniency for mistakes. Gets married and has child out of expectation. Husband couldn't handle Jane's behavior and leaves when Holly is 6. Jane blames Holly for him leaving because she was a "difficult" child. Buys the local Auberge Bed and Breakfast and puts her full attention on it, neglecting Holly. Expects Holly to help her with everything. Only alllows people in her life who let her do what she wants.

She can be manipulative, passive aggressive, possessive, prideful, judgemental, ambitious, and resilient. She desires structure, control, and freedom. She fears failure, rejection, loss of control, and being wrong.

Holly Campbell, She/Her, Age: 18, Capricorn, Jungian Archetype: The Innocent, Skin: Pale, Eyes: Blue, Weight: 140 lbs, Hair: Blonde, Animal Symbolism: Sheep

Father left when she was young. Mother blames her and also doesn't like that she looks like her father. Mother is controlling and Holly tries to placate her to avoid being yelled at/hit when younger. Uses books/fantasy to escape reality. Wants to write for a living but mother wants her to run the Bed and Breakfast, making her feel guilty. Mother is allowing her to go to a nearby college so that she can keep Holly close and keep her working. Charles, the B and B cook, tries to help keep Jane off Holly's back. Ernest, Head Librarian, is a mentor figure but Holly is very secretive about abuse.

She can be meek, anxious, skeptical and inflexible but empathetic, patient, creative, loyal, humble and disciplined. She desires safety and love. She fears abadonment, shame, loss of faith, public speaking, enclosed spaces, crowds, and loud noises.

Holly struggles to please her mother but it is an impossible task. They are both stuck in this unhealthy realtionship when the story starts and things are coming to a head because of Holly's age. Jane privately has a drinking problem and keeps all forms of disfunction behind closed doors and a smile but Holly can see through it now that she is old enough. Will Holly get out of her mother's control or will she stay faithful to family?

Russell and Nikhil are your classic cop/detective duo.

Russell (Rusty) Clark, He/Him, Age: 31, Libra, Jungian Archetype: The Lover, Skin: White, Eyes: Brown, Weight: 200 lbs, Hair: Strawberry Blonde, Animal Symbolism: Eagle

All men in his family have been in law enforcement and he has high standards to live up to. Family is pushing him to marry a woman and have kids but he's currently in the closet. He was assigned the case of vandalism at the big construction site and was struggling to come up with leads. Then a disappearance or possible murder of a construstion worker at the site happens and a detective is called in to help him.

Russ can be hesitant, indecisive, and skeptical. He can also be patient, disciplined, flexible and humble. He desires to be loved and fears competition, rejection, disappointing others, and birds.

Nikhil Patel, He/Him, Age: 28, Leo, Jungian Archetype: The Hero, Skin: Dark Brown, Eyes: Brown, Weight: 230 lbs, Hair: Black, Animal Symbolism: Lion

Nikhil was raised by a supportive family especially when he transitioned gender identity. He is quite new to his job as a detective and given the chance to work a case far away from home because the senior detectives don't want to travel there. He is very confident and excited to do his job. Is very detail oriented and works well in unfriendly environments; sometimes even thrives due to the challenge.

He can be prideful/not humble but is courageous, resilient and empathetic when needed. Nik desires to prove his worth. He fears failure and chaos.

These two will butt heads while trying to solve the case due to their differing personalities. Nikhil must learn to adjust to the small town energy and Russell must admit that he's not doing a great job at protecting his town and its people.

Finally, these three characters are people well known in the town because of their unique qualities and endeavors.

Veneer(Charlotte) Smith, She/Her, Age: 49, Pisces, Jungian Archetype:The Sage, Skin: Pale, Eyes: Brown, Weight: 120 lbs, Hair: Auburn, Animal Symbolism: Wolf

Runs the Historical Society. Her family history is known to be composed of witches, murders, and cheaters. Other family members have left the town but she wishes to stay to uncover the full truth of her family and the local history. She cares for residents from afar and knows the police well due to nervous residents wanting her watched for odd behavior. She stays inside during the day and speaks no more than necessary. She owns three large Utonagan breed dogs ( Kelly, Mason, William) that she walks at night. There are rumors that the dogs are her werewolf brothers.

Veneer can be skeptical, spacey, overprotective, creative and disciplined. She fears failure, the unknown, loss of faith, being touched and strangers. She desires wisdom.

Charles Collins, He/Him, Age: 45, Gemini, Jungian Archetype: The Rebel, Skin: White, Eyes: Gray, Weight: 215 lbs, Hair: Graying black, Animal Symbolism: Horse

Works as the cook for the Auberge Bed and Breakfast. He is childhood friends with Jane. He moved back into town after a divorce where he cheated on his wife. Charles tries hard to right his mistakes but can overcompensate by being too kind/ overly friendly. He is close to a lot of people in town and knows gossip/news especially being close with Jane. He tries to be there with Holly since he feels bad for not being able to see his kids often.

Charles can be guillible, bitter and adulterous but is flexible, patient, accommodating and now learning to be loyal. He fears being powerless and desires freedom.

Ernest Thomas, He/Him, Age: 26, Virgo, Jungian Archetype: The Everyman, Skin: Tan, Eyes: Honey, Weight: 180 lbs, Hair: Light Brown, Animal Symbolism: Cardinal

Manages Green Free Library. He has a difficult family that lives a town over so that he can have his space. Ernest uses books as a comfort and distraction. He keeps his head down unless it's for someone he cares for. He's usually overlooked and not listened to. Ernest is skittish over anything reminding him of past trauma. He helps Holly with her love of writing and tutoring her in schooling, etc. Doesn't have many friends/dating life. He occasionally paints and has a small garden.

Ernest can be rigid and meek but he is humble, patient, creative, persisent, honest and loyal. He fears loss of indepence, loss of identity, disappointing others, clutter, loud noises, and the wild. He desires belonging, fun and peace.